Main Conference Co-Chairs

Associate Professor Jodie Conduit
Jodie’s researchinterests lie in understanding how to engage consumers in interactions with organisations, and each other, that enable them to work together to achieve meaningful and relevant outcomes. This underpins her research agenda in the areas of customer engagement, value (co)creation, organisational capabilities, and marketing strategy. Her research has been widely published in leading journals including the Journal of Service Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Strategic Marketing, and the Journal of Marketing Managementamong others. Further, her focus on engagement and cocreation informs Jodie’s interactive approach to teaching marketing at undergraduate, postgraduate, and executive levels. She is the Director of the Higher Degree by Research programs in the School of Marketing and Management and has supervised several PhD students. Having experienced an extensive career in senior executive roles prior to academia, Jodie ensures that managerial relevance lies at the heart of both her research and teaching.

Professor Carolin Plewa
Carolin Plewa is the Deputy Director of the Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation and Innovation Centre, Professor in Marketing and Stakeholder Engagement, as well as a research member of the Institute of Photonics and Advanced Sensing.
She specialises in the interaction and value co-creation across a myriad of organisations and individuals, with a particular emphasis on university-business collaboration, as well as service and social contexts. Her research in the context of university-business engagement, in particular, has led to her appointment to the South Australian Science Council (2015-2018) and to her appointment as an inaugural co-chair of the University-Industry Innovation Network (UIIN) Australia Chapter.
Carolin received an inaugural Barbara Kidman Women’s Fellowship from the University of Adelaide in 2013, following the award of Australian Research Council Linkage Grants in 2009 (partners Meals on Wheels SA and the Norwood Football Club) and 2011 (partner Financial Services Council). She has published her research in international marketing, management and education journals, such as Journal of Service Research, European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Services Marketing, Marketing Theory, R&D Management, the Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Education and Training and others. Complementing her research and teaching interests, Carolin holds valuable industry experience, for example as Manager for Marketing and Strategy at Flinders Partners Pty Ltd and Education Manager at Definitive Events Pty Ltd.

Dr. Dean C.H. Wilkie
Dr Dean C.H. Wilkie is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Adelaide. His research focuses on strategic marketing with an emphasis on product portfolio management and competitive dynamics. He has published in the European Journal of Marketing, Marketing Letters, Journal of Brand Management and the Journal of Marketing Management. His qualifications include a BCom and MCom as well as ten years’ professional experience in brand management. His PhD is from the University of Sydney with a thesis addressing order of entry effects.